Applicant Information
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in becoming a resident at one of our Spanish Lakes Communities.
In accordance with Spanish Lakes Rules & Regulations, we only allow applicants to purchase if they intend to be a homeowner occupied resident in our communities. Spanish Lakes does not allow investors to purchase homes.
In order for us to process your application(s) for residency, we must have a fully completed application along with verifiable proof of income.
Documents that are required with your application include:
- Paystubs: if currently employed provide six (6) bi-weekly or twelve (12) weekly paystubs. If your payroll is automatically direct deposited into a checking or savings account(s) then they will not be needed.
- If your income is Social Security, disability, or from a pension fund, you must submit copies of the original award letter. If this source of income is automatically direct deposited into a checking or savings account(s) then we will not need the award letter.
- If you are self-employed, please provide your most recent filed business tax return, including ALL pages. If you are not self-employed we do not accept tax returns as income.
- Three (3) months of current complete bank statements are required. When submitting bank statements, please make sure your name appears at the top of the bank statement, which will verify proof of account ownership.
- Married couples must submit separate applications, and if each has a different last name, you must submit a copy of your marriage license.
- Copy of your current driver’s license or photo ID.
All information including income on this application must be accurate.
Upon completion, please return your application(s) with the application fee to our office for processing. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office, 772-878-2575.
Thank you for your attention in this matter.
Tony DiClemente
Application Department Manager